Friday, April 20, 2012

Another Look @ John Chapter 3 - Part 4

Dearly Beloved,

By virtue of the allocations of Abundant Grace and the Riches of God’s Mercies upon this generation of believers, we are being left without an excuse but to INHERIT ALL OF GOD! 

The earth is currently witnessing an increased activity of ministering spirits/angels (Heb. 1:14) who are ‘transporting’ direly needed divine substances that would cause the souls of believers to partake of the Great and Precious Promises preserved and foretold by the apostles of the Lamb for our escape/immunity from the grip of corruption/spiritual death – 2 Pet. 1:4

The following transcribed prophetic ministration attempts to explain how THE TECHNICALITIES OF THE SPIRIT UPON & WITHIN bothers on our INHERITING GOD/HIS KINGDOM/ETERNAL LIFE in the days of its availability i.e. when we wear flesh/mortality!

Lengthy it is, because MEATY MEALS (Heb. 5:14) pertaining to the kingdom demands MORE OF OUR TIME! I therefore beseech you by the mercies of God not to let neither impatience nor levity rob you of the blessings of spiritual understanding that this message promises.

Do Have A Graced Reading!

Another Look @ Jn. 3  - Part 4
(The Role of The Spirit UPON/WITHIN And The Kingdom)

Jn. 3:8 The Wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth:

·         The wind was a manifestation of the person of the Spirit that came during Pentecost and filled them. He ‘ghosted’ and gave them the wine of the spirit and they were drunk – Acts. 2:4/15, Eph. 5:15

·         You need the full appearance of the birth of not just your spirit but your soul to become windy in nature! You need to appreciate in soul salvation so that your flesh becomes subject to and directed by the wind i.e. by Holy Spirit
·         Being BORN OF WATER refers to being Washed By The Truth and Born Of The Incorruptible Word (Jn. 17:17/1Pet. 1:23) and being BORN OF THE SPIRIT refers to the process of the Leading Of The Holy Ghost (Rom. 8:14) that births sons into the kingdom

Jn. 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

1Pet. 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.

Rom. 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God.

·         Many have divine life in their recreated spirit but are not living out that life in their soul because of the deeds of the body – Rom. 8:13

·         You cannot present your body (i.e. carry out any acceptable sacrifice to God) without Mercy. You need to be scented with mercy. God is therefore Rich In Mercy!

·         Our sacrifices must be ghostly (i.e. spiritual) for God to accept it. 

·         When you are willing, mercy would come to make you obedient, and when it comes, you are changed and would keep changing. Isa.1:19

·         Holy Ghost maketh intercession for the saints According To The Will of God.

·         Prayers not done in the Holy Ghost are not centered on God’s Will - Rom. 8:26

·         To enter into the kingdom is to change lifestyle totally, for no flesh shall glory in His presence. 

·         God won’t receive you as flesh but as spirit, as spiritual. As he calls you, you turn, are separated keep changing until you become a spiritual man

·         He would change your genetic makeup so you can climb the wind i.e. become windy. He that is carnal/fleshy can’t see the wind, can’t discern/mount on the spirit like Elijah did with the Chariot from heaven and Jesus at the mount of transfiguration/after resurrection

·         Enough of flesh meetings that have besieged the Church! We need ghosted/spirit filled meetings! It is written that sinners won’t stand in the congregation of the righteous Ps. 1:5

·         The Spirit of Might (Isa. 11:2c/Eph. 3:16) is coming to us to empower serious saints. You would have the might of the Spirit! You would be strengthened with might by his spirit in your inner man.

Tongues & Interpretation 1:

·         It is a sign of the end time army, of the end time people/sons. Sons of the wind are being raised. God is raising sons of fire, sons of the winds, sons of the cloud, sons of the Spirit! Such are sons that the Lord is raising at this time. He is turning men to signs and wonders, pillars of fire and of the wind. Such men he succeeds in turning would manifest dimensions of the Spirit and the measures of the Spirit would increase upon their lives.

·         Let me turn you! Allow me to turn you again and again by turning you out of the flesh! Don’t be at home with flesh, with that which is corruptible and passes away. Allow me to turn you, so you can ultimately become like your lord, even as by the Spirit.

Continuation of message

·         The move of the spirit upon Elisha’s life moved him through different dealings/seasons. When he expired the strength of each preceding move/provision of the Spirit, he had to Wait and be Feed in order to exchange strength for a higher season. Such was the spiritual transactions in brook Cherith and the Juniper tree

·         Each of his exploits was characterized by waiting and by feeding and such is the standard till date.

·         The Juniper tree for Elisha was the junction btw man and the angelic world. Immediately he eat that food, he walked night and day, because that food changed and gave him the strength of an angel.

·         Elisha’s meal had to change for him to engage a higher walk. He employed the strength of the angelic and walked for 40 days and night continuously. He had been ghosted to a degree, because of the meal. He crossed the boundaries of human limitations.

·         His cry was prophetic in nature as he was calling for something higher. He became unreachable by Jezebel and later prophesied her end. He later anointed Jehu and Elisha.

·         Very soon, Holy Ghost would begin to give us things that would completely change us, meals of the spirit that makes believers supernatural
·         Elijah eat them that mean naturally but was turned spiritual hereby. God would give our souls supernatural meals that would help us cross into another world.

·         To be his son, you must have properties of the spirit

·         He became one with the wind, so his feet could easily be carried by the chariot

·         God would carry us into an operation of that which is called ‘OF GOD’ not just FROM GOD – The within (inward) nature of Sons of God and their eternal respective 

·         The wind is a person that flows. A person can be windy. IT’S A FUNCTION OF HIS INWARD CONFIGURATION.

·         You can’t wear certain external characters, attributes and expressions except some things are programmed in you by him. They flow from the DIVINE NATURE

·         The future sons would be able to appear like a cloud, when God has finished working on you from inside out. They would manifest God.

·         Things like malice won’t allow you flow in the spirit. Things like Joy would let you flow in the spirit…

·         When you partake of his joy, he hides you in his pavilion. 

·         The expression of eternal life can only be done in the Holy Ghost. He created the enabling environment for the father to express himself

·         When there is no righteousness/peace/joy of eternal life, the holy ghost is absent

·         When you walk in the spirit, you access the gates of God.

·         You can’t enter the cloud of the Holy Ghost unless you have been configured to. Jesus could enter it because he had been configured to

·         That cloud Jesus entered into was the Jasper light, the outward wonder of God, the glory of the Holy ghost which surrounds the father

·         He was a Son at Jordan but the Holy Ghost wore him at mount of transfiguration. He received honor and glory from the father.
·         This life of righteousness is not one that would end in owing cars, houses etc Your reward should be eternal life. You can only live out eternal life in your soul in the domain of the kingdom

·         Those who enter into that doom/covering enter into the dominion of God
·         David saw what man should look for and seek after. His Psalms are deep and you need the help of the holy spirit to interpret them

·         The Holy ghost is the glory of God’s life

·         The leading of the Spirit takes us to places where men cannot go and that is the reason why there will be contentions in the life of one whom God is leading. 

·         Many born again folks will misconceive and misunderstand you when you engage the course of the Spirit.
·         A person may be born again, but without mercy, he can’t enter the kingdom. To enter the kingdom is not to make heaven; but rather, for the soul to lose its ways/will and come under the dominion of God.
·         The way into the kingdom doesn’t agree with man’s method of life. A man does not turn from his ways when he becomes born again. Great mercies must come to a man for him to find the paths of God.
·         If God leaves you alone without showing you His mercy, you would never be willing.
·          There are two aspects of the Spirit: the Holy Ghost within and the Holy Ghost upon.
·         THE HOLY GHOST UPON IS THE KINGDOM WE ARE TO ENTER INTO as confirmed by Rom. 14:17/John 3:5
·         Jn. 3:5 ‘…except a man be born of water and spirit he cannot ENTER THE KINGDOM….’
·         Rom. 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost
·         The SPIRIT WITHIN is that which lives in us. It’s the holy unction, the anointing stated in 1Jn. 2:20/27 & Eph. 5:18. The Spirit lives in all true Christians but He cannot rest upon all.
1 Jn. 2:20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.
1 Jn. 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you…
Eph. 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
·         The Spirit within is the WINE within which you partake of at new birth, which is for the ‘INN’ of the house; but there he has a dimension were he rests ‘UPON’ the house, which is the OIL.
Ps. 23:5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with OIL; my cup runneth over.

Jn. 1:32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode UPON HIM.
·         The operation of the oil is different from that of the wine. The wine is the anointing within while the oil is the anointing upon.
·         We drink wine but we don’t drink oil. Before our cup gets to the level of running over (Psalm23:5), the head has to be anointed with oil, i.e. the Spirit must rest UPON. They work together. What is the cup that runs over? It’s the soul!
·         Before you can be anointed upon, you have to be led. On Pentecost, the UPON Holy Ghost rested upon the disciples (Acts 2:3), and then He poured His wine into them (Acts 2:4), and they drank from His within.
·         He never left them afterwards. He later came to lead them in the path of life. He led Peter, James, John, Paul… and their wine became stronger and stronger.
·         As the leading of the spirit increases, the wine is rising in the vessel and the texture becomes stronger. After a while, you lose control of your life; the wine (i.e. the Spirit) takes over.
·         Strong wine refers to the strong life of the Spirit. Wine doesn’t become stronger when leading doesn’t increase! Inside the wine is the program of the divine life, but Jesus needs to come to turn the wine till it gets stronger and stronger, just as he turned water into wine.
·         Anytime you refuse the fight of faith for divine life, you despise the leading of the spirit and you postpone the increase of the anointing upon and that has been the shortcoming of the church/believers.
·         To a degree, the Holy Ghost comes upon a minister of the gospel in the fivefold ministry as a token of the gift of Christ for the work of ministry; it’s called charisma, but that is not the kingdom but meant to lead us into it.
·         Somebody could be a ‘minister of the gospel’ yet he is not being led by the Spirit. The proper law of adoption is when that Ghost comes upon a man and doesn’t leave the man alone until He has completely refined the man.
·         That Holy Ghost that comes upon a man is actually the rod or authority of the kingdom; that Spirit is the kingdom; the kingdom is in the Holy Ghost.
·         For a man to enter the Holy Ghost or the kingdom, he must have been successfully led by the spirit because, without that leading there is no birthing into Sonship. When that operation is taking place, you need to submissive to the Spirit.
·         The Holy Ghost came upon Samson on various occasions, but that was for exploits. The Spirit was not resting like we are privileged to have in the New Testament – Jn. 1:32
·         Not every child of God has the Spirit upon. We all have the Holy Ghost within, but not all of us have Him upon us. The Lord Jesus both had the Holy Ghost within and upon, so also the Apostles. John 1:32-33.
·         The purpose of the Spirit within us is for leading. THE SPIRIT DESIRES TO LEAD US UNTIL HE FINALLY RESTS ON US. He strives with us and wars with flesh in us until we give up our ways - Gen. 6:3
·         For Holy Ghost to rest on us, we have to give up our ways so he can chart the divine destiny for us as seen in god’s blueprint. For a believer to experience the Holy Ghost upon is a great visitation of the mercy of God.
·         It’s not good for the mind/brain to be too developed to accommodate the Spirit. The brain power of many ministers of the gospel is so large that they run the Church like a corporate organization. The Church is not a corporate organization; it’s the fullness of Him that filleth all in all (Eph. 1:23), a sacred centre that must be handled with fear and trembling - 1Cor. 2:3
·         Some, through strategic reasoning, plan their way into becoming ministers by going to bible school without the leading of the Spirit. They are like the Pharisees who had access to the seat of Moses because they were opportune to be learned: they studied their way there, through the Torah. They had Greek wisdom, mixed with Judaism but they couldn’t withstand the Spirit by which Stephen spoke because Stephen was ‘wined’ (full) of the Holy Ghost.
·         We need to be drunk with the wine of the Spirit. Human wisdom will kick aside the principles of God which are always foolish to the natural mind. Much junk have been stored up in our minds against the leading of the Spirit.
·         To be carnally minded is not just to be a fornicator; it is to have a mind aligned after the pattern of this world system. So when God breaks into your world and frustrates your plans and arrangement, He is bringing you into an experience of MERCY needed for the Holy Ghost to rest upon you! The manifestation of the Holy Ghost upon is the manifestation of mercy.
Rom. 8:14 “For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God…
·         Believers don’t like such certain hard scriptures because they don’t want to endure the discipline for glory - Rom. 8:17-18
·         When the Bible talks of SUFFERING, it’s talking of a leading that is contrary to man’s arrangement. The word MAY is used because it is possible not to be glorified with him. You must suffer in the present in order to be able to partake of the glory to come.
·         When you suffer, Christ in you (the hope of glory) will be revealed. If Christ is not revealed, you will not be glorified. To suffer in the present means to be led by the Spirit contrary to the order and arrangement of the present world system which the prince of this world has programmed into the souls of men.
·         The world (i.e. the life of the present) doesn’t want us to go through the prescription called suffering but God will bring suffering upon the worldliness residing in our souls so that the glory of God would be revealed in us. As you are being positioned for glory, you suffer.
·         The detonation of your strength to stall the manifestation of your SELF/SOULISH LIFE is your suffering. That is where you learn the Spirit and fetch discernment. Gal. 1:23. Instead of your will, it becomes His will!
Tongues and Interpretation
·         There are dimensions and realms of glory piled up in Christ for the righteous. But how can the righteous enter into glory? Know ye not that Christ ought to first suffer and then enter his glory? It is the pattern that the Father has laid in the realm of the spirit; that Christ ought to suffer and then to enter into His glory. Do not reject the present sufferings, dealings and correction that are coming because it is designed to bring forth glory in you. Glory cannot be brought forth if a man rejects the discipline that comes as a result of the leading in the path of the Spirit. For in the path of the leading of the Spirit are these disciplines spelt out and made known. As these things are made known, you partake of the sufferings of Christ and in partaking of the sufferings of Christ; the glory will not be withheld from you.
Rom. 8:19/21 ‘For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Children of God’
·          ‘Creature’ here means all things that are created. God subjected the creature in the hope of the revelation of the glory of Christ, but a time is coming when the creature would be delivered from the bondage of corruption and brought into the glorious liberty of the CHILDREN of God.
·         The revelation of God’s glory is the revelation of liberty. Liberty means freedom from corruption i.e. the truth you know shall set you free from corruption. You cannot give liberty to creature except you are as meek as a child.
·         ‘A child or the children of God’ here does not refer to immature believers; it refers to those who have entered the kingdom of God; they are mature men in the spirit outwardly, but inwardly, their hearts are tender and innocent.
·         Such people have obeyed the truth and purified their souls unto the unfeigned love of the brethren (1Pet. 1:22). Their hearts will be so knit together in fervent love such that nothing would offend - the same way the Trinity is bound together in love. They can handle liberty and be faithful with it.
Ps. 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

·         Your soul must be converted into having a childlike heart when you can fulfill all the laws of meekness to enter the kingdom and execute its authority and maturity – Matt. 18:3
·         Entrance into God’s kingdom is not about making it to heaven! It is for a man to seek the kingdom and its righteousness: The kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
·         This kingdom is a system; an arrangement and an entrance into it means coming into alignment with that system.
·         Until our inward being (soul) is configured to the order and arrangement of that system, such that its laws are written within us, we have not come under the dominion of God and we have not entered the kingdom of God.
·         It is not when a believer dies and goes to heaven that he enters the kingdom of God because many are in heaven and not be in the kingdom, they are not in the sphere were the Apostles of the lamb and few others are and the regret for such takes place when believers get to heaven.
·         It is possible to be on earth and fulfill all the demands of the leading of the Spirit of God, and gain entrance into the kingdom and that must be our goal!

Bless You!
Rev. Kayode Oyegoke

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