Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Introduction To The Gospel That Belongs To Christ - Part 2

Dearly Beloved,

It may interest you to acknowledge that the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are accounts of some disciples, detailing the supernatural walk of how Jesus of Nazareth (Matt. 1:21) was processed into becoming Jesus the Christ (Acts 2:36)

Acts 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus (i.e. then/now), whom ye have crucified, both
(i.e. Many Christians have BELIEVED in Jesus of Nazareth because they can relate with his carnal provisions/additions,  but have hardly KNOWN Jesus whom has been made both Lord and Christ, because this can only take place after tarrying with the REVELATIONS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS IN THE GOSPEL, WHICH UNVEILS HIM– Rom. 1:16-17).

We later saw how God had to raise a John the Baptist whose earthly course (i.e. priesthood) was interrupted from his mother’s womb, how he was introduced to the wilderness where he acquired the needed spiritual stature to discern the person of Jesus. We also saw how he started his ministry as A Voice From The Wilderness and not as A Great Movement From Any Center Of A Civilization, in consonance with God wisdom to use the weak and base things of this world to confound the mighty - Mark. 1:3/1 Cor. 1:27

The heavenly/earthly walk of Jesus was therefore documented in:
  1.        The book of Matthew where he was portrayed as THE KING SAVIOR with reference of his kingly generations;
  2. -       The book of Mark where he was portrayed as THE SLAVE SAVIOR with no reference to his status or genealogy, but rather detailing His excellent deeds in serving the will of His father to the uttermost.
  3.        The book of Luke where he was portrayed as THE MAN SAVIOR with reference to his genealogy from Adam and an emphasis on his humanity in divinity i.e. as Son of Man
  4.        The book of John where he was portrayed as THE GOD SAVIOR with emphasizes on the savior’s deity in humanity as Son of God with profound revelations of Divine Truths meant to bring the Soul of saints into Perfection.

John the Baptist, like the initial disciples of Jesus were all limited in untying or unveiling the latchet of his shoes, i.e. UNVEILING THE MYSTERY/SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING THAT INFORMED HIS DIVINE WALK, BECAUSE THAT WAS SUBJECT TO THE MINISTRY OF THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD WHO WAS YET TO BE REVEALED (Jn. 16:13). When the Spirit of Truth was later revealed, it took his activities as the Spirit of Wisdom, of Revelation (Eph. 1:17-18), of Counsel, of Might (Eph. 3:16), of Knowledge and finally of the fear of God (Isa. 11:2) to unveil the fullness of Jesus walk on earth

Mark 1:7 … and preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes (i.e. spiritual walk =Eph. 6:15) I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose (i.e. because John didn’t fall under the dispensation of those that would receive the holy ghost needed to discern Christ’s Kingdom Walk while on earth).

It may interest you to know that the disciples made apostles were later processed by these seven Spirits of God and acquired a stature that enabled them Speak and Write to the Churches/Saints (Rev. 1:4/2:7), a divine standard that has been subtly fought by CEREBRAL TEACHINGS in churches today were ministers focus on polishing untransformed minds (Rom. 12:2) rather PREACHING CHRIST and HIS CROSS (1Cor. 2:2). The preeminence of this abnormally has limited the true Gospel of Christ from being taught.

Through the merciful passions of God to commit His Gospel to those that would journey back to him like his Son did through Obedience and Sufferings, we see:

1.    How God ended the race of the first Adam, planted the divine seed of an uncreated life in the last Adam (Jesus) and raised a tree of righteousness in him - (Isa. 61:3)

2.    How Jesus inherited the father and became The Only Begotten Son having brought God to mankind as The Word (God expressed), Life (God imparted), Light (God Revealed), Grace (God Enjoyed) and Truth (God Realized/Apprehended). Jn. 1:18/51

3.    How the introductory aspect of the Gospel introduces all new believers to the Foundation of Faith called Faith In God/Towards God (Mk. 11:22/Heb. 6:1-2), a beginner course where believers learn to relate develop their faith in God by trusting him for help in their natural/carnal life.

4.    How believers are later meant to journey into a more matured expression of Faith described in Eph. 1:14/Col. 1:4 as Faith in The Lord Jesus, where they find grace to add virtue, temperance and patience to their initial faith (2Pet. 1:5-6) while Continuing in His Word (Jn. 8:31) and preparing to be Disciples (Jn. 8:31/Eph. 1:17-18).

5.    How the gospel finally beckons to such maturing believers to settle for The Faith of The Son (Gal. 2:20/Acts 28:16), which is no longer their faith (Eph. 1:15) but God’s. This faith has the spiritual technology to END  THE EXISTENCE OF SELF AND BUILD US INTO A HOLY HABITATION FOR GOD (Eph. 2:22/Isa. 66:1-3).

6.    That the materials that can build The True Church (i.e. saints) are The Revelations Concerning Both Christ And His Church (Matt. 16:16-18) and New Testament ministers that speak of Christ must do so as oracles and only within The Perimeter of The Reveled Truths.

Christ inherited the gospel from God, Apostle Paul inherited it from Christ and Rom. 2:16 confirms that the secret of every man would be judged by which he preached/wrote. The judgment seat of Christ (2Cor. 5:10) would ultimately reveal whether our works/walk could be likable to WOOD/GRASS/STUBBLE (i.e. exploits from an unrenewed mind/untransformed soul) or GOLD/SILVER/PRECIOUS STONES (i.e. exploits from a soul that journeyed to the end of faith which carries the attributes of the triune God). 1 Cor. 3:12-13

This Gospel is the Most Excellent Profession and Knowledge On Earth (Heb. 3:1/10:23/Phil. 3:8). It documents how BELIEVERS can become DISCIPLES and how DISCIPLES should end up as SONS OF GOD, i.e. a Kingdom of Priests Unto God. (Jn. 8:31-32/Rev. 5:9-10)

The actual Gospel of Christ unveils God through revelational teachings (Rom. 16:25b) that helps believers journey back to The Father (Jn. 13:3)! When churches begin to open their doors to it, the present emphasis on biblical subjects would change and God’s Glorious/Eternal Power would be unlocked, amen. (Rom. 1:16/Col. 1:11/Rom. 1:20)

Bless You

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