Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Dividends of Ministrations of Righteousness

Dearly Beloved,

As we continued to look into the gospels of Christ through the google of the epistles, the Lord began to light our candles and enlighten our darkness (Ps. 18:28/1Jn.5-7). Veils that were constituted via our past romance with civilized idols, philosophies and the rudiments of this world were confronted head long, and we began to see the connection of scriptures of truth meant to bring forth the likeness of God in us. We courageously embraced the ministry of the sword of the Spirit which alone can destroy what makes us unlike Christ and an increased knowledge of Christ made prompt repentance a norm amongst many.

We had sang many songs about the Lord, his blood and the Father, only to realize that we were still lacking in the Sprinkling and Speaking of The Blood (Heb. 1:2a/12:24). We realized that we needed to be ruthless in our approach to surrender and OUR THINGS, which is OUR BLINDNESS (Eph. 1:18a/Rev. 3:17), OUR SINS, our reputation, our fears, our false confidence, our unbelief, our infirm blood count.

We found grace to agree with the Holy Spirit that we direly need series of spiritual blood transfusion from the revealed word of God, and we saw perennial laws of sin and death suffering casualties. We saw the need to be engrafted into the royal blood line of doers of His WORD, which would make us live and abide in Him. We realized we could LIVE BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDED OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.

New Laws were introduced through the sprinkling of clean water and New Hearts were gradually formed, such that could enable us access the land of the living (Eze. 36:25-27). We kept journeying from hearing to seeing (Job. 42:5/Rev.1:12), we kept peeping into measurements of our predestined world, the world of truth and we saw why the early apostles eschewed a heavenly conversation that crucified the world.

The nakedness of sin was exposed and we were empowered to put in right perspectives, what we initially branded as ‘our life’. Our infirmities received spiritual healing and we were given the capacity to lavish compassion on the ignorant and on them that sit in regions of darkness

We found ourselves embracing as non-negotiable, the resolve of the Lamb of God who was slain before sin was born. We saw that his resolve was to end sin’s genealogy in us and populate his church with many like natured lambs who would be blessed with what makes him blessed (Eph. 1:3)

Such have been the divine dividends of past ministrations as we found grace to submit ourselves to ministrations of righteousness 

Praise God!

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