Thursday, April 9, 2015

Doing SOMETHING & Doing NOTHING – Part 4

Dearly Beloved,

The “blame-game” has been one of the most profitable escape route and defense to mankind after Adam’s fall. It became a phenomenon after it tampered with Adam’s gene and then found its way into the bloodline of humanity. Like Adam, my darling 4 years old daughter has found it very useful on some key occasions!

Adam, a living soul whose stature was described as a “Son of God” – Luke 3:38, adventurously watched his wife transgress and then triggered the reign of death (1Tim. 2:14/Rom. 5:14). Like zealous believers do, HE RESPONDED TO THE STIMULI OF A THOUGHT THAT WASN’T BORN FROM ABOVE and rioted head on with God’s instruction to do otherwise – Col. 3:2/Jn. 3:31/5:19/5:30 

Innumerable thoughts breakthrough into our MINDS daily, seeking to corrupt our HEARTS! Most of them are anointed “False Evidences Appearing Real” and emanate from a demilitarized zone that once belonged to Adam – from the realm of authority over the earth that was mortgaged to the prince of the power of the air through ONE DECISION - Eph. 2:2. 

I asked myself earlier today, “Why do we always want to know What Next?” The answer wasn’t farfetched – “because we ENJOY and IDOLIZE the act of “DOING SOMETHING”, even when it conflicts with the nudging of our human spirit! Rather than wait and see God’s Salvation, we take the praise for “DOING SOMEHING”.  I write from person experience.

Patient Job: without a written bible, without the gift of speaking in tongues, without the Holy Spirit resident on earth - PROVED THAT HIS SOUL HAD ATTAINED MUCH MORE SALVATION THAN NOT A FEW BELIEVERS! He saw the DAILY DEALINGS OF FAITH as the only path that leads to man’s salvation and redemption (James 5:11/Job 19:25)

·         In Job. 23:10, he said, “But HE KNOWS THE WAY (Acts 16:17/18:25-26/24:14) that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold”

·         In Job 20:24, he raised a plumbline in the spirit by declaring, “Man’s goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?”

He professed such a GOOD CONFESSION before unborn clouds of witnesses, long before an anointed Moses in Exo. 14:13 would say to the children of Israel, ”Fear ye not (the Egyptians/the world), STAND STILL, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will shew to you today”

Adam thought he was smart while committing Idolatry-by-proximity! Smartness has long been redefined in the New Testament, and we would do well to start by acknowledging that our greatest idols are the Thoughts-We-Take (Matt. 6:25), so we can gradually trace the golden path of faith that empowers its subjects to live supernaturally; better than the fowls of the air do - Matt 6:26.

God’s parliament; which is the Ecclesia and true church, was predestined to be built with CONSISTENT REVELATIONS of THE FATHER, by THE SON, through THE SPIRIT, so the saints can attain a stature that can wrestle with thoughts, deprogram them and make them captives of Christ through obedience (2Cor. 10:5)

The Faith of the Son of God is the prescribed life for God’s Elect - Titus 1:1, and it remains heaven’s primary provision to help our infirmities in the face of hourly thought-induced temptations. In every situation, It answers the question, “WHAT WOULD JESUS DO”? and we MUST give room to it, so we can enjoy heaven’s economy in these perilous times, AMEN.


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