Thursday, July 16, 2015

Becoming “SOMEBODY” By Becoming “NOBODY” – Part 3

Beloved of God,

I asked myself the following question earlier today, “How many qualitative daily decisions have I made in the first half of 2015 that brought a limitation to the course of darkness on earth and also slowed down the operations of corruption in my life and in the lives of others? (2Pet. 1:4). The answer isn’t too encouraging!

God has blessed us with hindsight from clouds of witnesses who kept faith with the light (knowledge) that He dispensed in their day, and one of such characters was an Old Testament faithful names Moses, and three things remain striking about him:

1.     Moses lived when the shadow of the New Testament was still being downloaded, and he generated a walk on earth when the Holy Spirit hadn’t been sent into all the earth to groom men to be compatible with God’s throne; centuries before God would make clear his intention via the epistles to have his tabernacle with and in men (Isa 61:1/2Cor 6:16/Rev 21:3)

2.    Moses saw in a good measure, God’s intention for man to wrestle with death (corruption), and he took personal responsibility of this assignment! Romans 5:14 later gave an account of how the reign of death from Adam regressed for the first time in his day; all because God found and built a man into being a mobile tabernacle! (Deu. 34:10)

3.    Moses endured the first phase of forty-years of uninterrupted trials, but today, believers struggle to endure packets of trials for four-years, a glaring sign of soul-weakening over the centuries (Isa. 14:12e/Rom. 5:6)

Endurance with unbroken focus is gradually becoming a “taboo” among believers (2Tim. 2:3/10)! But if we are to attain a New Testament edition of the glory Moses attained, we would have to subscribe to fellowshipping with God’s custom-made-dealings daily (Lk. 9:23). According to the carnal timing of the earth, our natural “needs” would seem to linger when God “delays” issuing answers to our “prayers”, but in His infinite wisdom, He uses such golden opportunity to make available great grace for progress in the Spirit, and He expects us to take comfort with such.

Christ’s greater riches, designed to make us co-owners of the Gospel (Rom.1:1/1:16/2:16/16:25a), ONLY comes after we have embraced the reproaches of the gospel (Heb. 11:26/Rom .1:16a/2Tim. 1:8/1Pet. 4:14). This is when and where God makes men rich towards him (Lk. 12:21), and appoints unto them authority, yea; the very dominion in His kingdom (Lk. 12:32/22:29)

I/we are at the mercy of agreeing with the Holy Ghost, that the only accurate synonym for “God-arranged sufferings is “blessings”, i.e. with God’s very self, so that someday, in addition to Him being called “The God and Father of Jesus”, of Paul, of John, he would also be called, “The God and Father of Tayo”... (2Cor. 6:16/Heb. 12:9c). The list of this NEW CREATION GENEALOGY is meant to be exhaustive, with all our New Names (Rev. 2:17/3:12) populated therein. 

God’s glory only follows the-faith-building-trials-of-Christ (1Pet. 1:11/5:1), and this takes place as we allow the dismantling of the wrong life (disobedience/death/darkness), which we all inherited in the first Adam but have been destroying IN Christ Jesus. 

Blessed is that believer (Ps. 65:4), who is either presently in a wilderness (dealing), or just coming out of a wilderness experience, or just being prepared to be ushered into another wilderness, for such a one would thereby partake of THE BREAD (MEAT) OF HEAVEN, which in turn would deal with corruption (death) and cause us him or her to LIVE AND ABIDE in His sight (1Pet. 1:23)

Any believer who is a stranger to such provisions, cannot live by the daily bread (commandments/revelations of righteousness) that proceeds out of the mouth of the father, and is prone to drawing back (Heb. 10:38), losing the measure of life previously acquired (Matt. 1312) and, but for accelerated repentance, such might ultimately lose reward hereafter, but that won’t be our portion, amen.


Tayo Fasan

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