Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Authoring of an ‘Unfinished Faith’! - Part 15

Dearly Beloved,

- The Apostles described an aspect of the bible as The Gospel of Christ/The Gospel of God. a

- That Gospel is an unsearchable Light, an abundant Life, an unfathomable Love and a Hidden Wisdom that the Lord Jesus couldn’t declare plainly but in parables during his earthly ministry. b

- That Gospel is still being caressed on the surface and read as parables by many of God’s children/ministers till date because of The Glories around The Initial Faith Meal which has given birth to much exploit and now supersedes The Meat/Strong Meat of God’s Word. c

- That Gospel was designed to wean Believers from The Milk of God’s word and then prepare Disciples for the curriculum of Sons so that they can ultimately partake in the Thronic Life that exists only amidst the Godhead, which they could only share with the likes of those with a Priestly Soul Stature like the Apostles of the lamb in their day. d

- That Gospel had to begin with an introductory aspect summarized in Heb. 6:1-2 which the blessed Church of Christ has so far profited from, but there is a clarion call not just to a company called FEW but to The Corporate Church to migrate from Heb. 5:12 to Heb. 5:13-14 and then truly submit to Matt. 6:33. e

- When that Gospel is discerned, we would then see like the Apostles saw, the difference between biblical statements or promises that draws unbelievers to God and those that keep young believers who haven’t seen the skeleton of the carnal life and therefore relate with God as a Problem Solving/Needs Providing Being. We would also appreciate Spiritual Promises that can only be embraced by those whose NEED is becoming GOD’S NEED or has become GOD’S NEED – TO WALK LIKE CHRIST WALKED! f

- There are counsels of Faith that help MANY to BELIEVE IN GOD. There are counsels of Faith that leads FEW on ancient paths where KNOWLEDGE OF GOD can be found. Both have their kind of Glory, One Ephemeral, the other, Eternal. One cannot escape the corruption of this world while the other discerns and deals with it! One entertains the operation of God’s Hands while the other is tailored to strictly reveal God’s Face! g

- There is an aspect of The Gospel where there seems to be a ‘Jehovah sharp sharp’ that always answer the prayers of believers but there is another aspect that places a demand on FEW to Grow above the ‘stature’ of such problems by saying “My Grace is Sufficient for You”! h

- There are counsels of Faith that talk about what God can do about Our Natural Life and how to get him to do it (Faith Towards God). There are counsels of Faith that talk about what God has done about Our Spiritual Life, about How He Did It and How We Can Inherit It and reign with Him in His soon coming kingdom! (Faith of The Son) i

- There are counsels in the Bible that offer the substances for the Foundation of Faith and there are eternal counsels that offer the divine substances for the Building of Faith. j

- There is an aspect of the Gospel that prepares MANY to excel in giving materially and there is another aspect of the Gospel that prepares FEW to become a Holy Acceptable Living Altar whose have received great mercy to know that OBEDIENCE is better than SACRIFICE! k

- There is an aspect of the Gospel that enables MANY to ignore the world and there is another aspect that reveals to FEW, The True Color of The World and thereby enable them to confront The Deep Seated Secret Love of The World resident in the Soul. l

- There is an aspect of the Gospel that encourages believers to Love others as they love themselves and there is another aspect (a New Commandment) that demands Loving like Christ Loved His Church! m

- There is an aspect of the Gospel that enlightens MANY on their Righteousness in Christ Jesus (so called ‘New Creation Realities’ which is far deeper than assumed) and there is another aspect that somehow only succeeds in enlightening FEW on the Righteousness of God which is actually an unknown/uncelebrated Knowledge of a Power that Saves The Soul from the corruption it acquired during past/ongoing carnal walk which also deals with the subtle stature called ‘Self-Righteousness’. n

- There is an aspect of the Gospel that enabled the likes of Peter-the-disciple to carry out miracles in the book of Matthew-Acts but there is another aspect that placed a demand on him to become a student of Apostle Paul so he could understand why this other aspect of the Gospel focuses on The Mysterious Being Called The Soul. o

- There is an aspect of the Gospel that enabled Demas to journey with Apostle Paul on his first missionary journey to Asia, but there is this Demand of The other Aspect of The Gospel that doesn’t spare The Love of This Present World that limited Demas from finishing his course and securing his eternal inheritance. p

- There is an aspect of the Gospel that can enable a believer to cast out devils/demons and heal the sick and there is another aspect that says ‘rejoice not in that’ but in your Growth in Grace & in The Knowledge of the Son where Satan (not demons) can only be dealt with/overcome! q

- There is an aspect of the Gospel where The Lord did exploits under the name/operation/anointing of ‘Jesus Christ of Nazareth’ and there is another aspect where he had to inherit a more excellent ministry/operation/name of An Apostle & High Priest of The Profession of Faith and can thereby perfect The Saints and bring many Sons unto Glory! r

- There is an aspect of the Gospel that encourages a believer to continue in The Goodness of God and there is an aspect where The Severity of God must be introduced so God can deal with such as unto Sons and prepare them to handle the scepter of His Kingdom! s

- The list is endless but the time is at hand! The Church (The Soul) can only be begotten by The Incorruptible Seed/The Engrafted Word by a walk from Faith to Faith so as to attain the status/stature of our regenerated human Spirit that’s seated in heavenly places! t

- This is the terrain where many ‘Postive Thinking/Motivational Teachings’ are limited and therefore can’t perfect the saints! It would take the other aspect of the Gospel called The Word of Righteousness which was accessed/employed by the Apostles in handling This Present World which The Lord is currently employing in administrating The World To Come!. u

This is the testimony of Jesus, the prophetic life which makes the New Testament God’s secret to dissolve everything contrary to The Tree of Life or anything with an imprint of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which is carelessly being nurtured in the Church of Christ today! This is the Gospel that gives expression to the divine life whose bearing tangents towards The New Creation Man/World! v

My question to us all is “are we really preparing for it” or do we want to learn about this So Great Salvation when we get to heaven with a consequence in The New Heaven/New Earth? w

a (Rom. 1:1&16/15:29/Gal. 1:7/Phil. 1:27) b (2 Cor. 4:4/Jn. 10:10/1 Jn. 4:9/1 Cor. 2:7) c (Heb. 5:12/1 Cor. 3:2) d (Isa. 28:9/Jn. 8:30-32/1 Jn. 3:2/1 Jn. 1:2-3) e (Matt. 13:11/Phil. 3:14) f (Matt. 6:33/1 Jn. 2:5&15) g (1 Tim. 2:4/Mark 5:36/2 Pet. 1:4/Isa. 66:1-2/2 Cor. 3:18/Heb. 6:1) h (2 Cor. 12:9) I (Gal. 2:20/Acts 26:18) j (Heb. 6:1-2/12:2/1 Cor. 3:10/Eph. 2:20-22) k (LK. 6:38/Rom. 12:1/1 Sam.. 15:22) l (1 Jn. 5:19) m (Matt. 19:18-19/Jn. 13:34) n (Rom. 5:18/Rom. 1:16-17) o (Gal. 2:9-11/2 Pet. 3:15) p (Phil. 1:24/2 Tim. 4:10) q (Acts 10:38/Lk. 10:19-20/2 Pet. 3:18) r (Mk. 16:17/Heb. 1:4/3:1) s (Rom. 11:22/Heb. 12:6-7) t (1 Pet. 1:23/Jam. 1:21) u (Eph. 1:28/4:12/Heb. 6:1/5:13/Heb. 2:5) v (2 Tim. 1:8/Rev. 1:2&9/2 Cor 5:17) w (Heb. 2:1-3)

Bless You!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sons & A Destiny Called Nigeria - Part 1


Permit me to give a defense on the following mail on the issue of Nigeria which I have always shy away from and i'm doing so from a strictly Spiritual perspective since true Christians are called to judge ALL THINGS Spiritually. 1 Cor. 2:15.

Firstly, these developed nations that my brother tried to analyze in his mail below have experienced more ungodliness than many underdeveloped nations like Nigeria which is still enjoying ‘packets’ of spiritual grace on the average, though incapacitated by legitimate economic needs (food, cloth, housing, job etc). On the contrary, I see a depreciation of the grace/faith life in many developed nations, despite the economic privileges/advantages which has now become their pride and in some cases, idols. 

Deu. 32:15 …But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation. I can therefore deduce that "It is easier for God to save a crude 'ifasan' that once served 'dumb idols' than a professor Emeritus that serves his intellectual glory or a ‘Super Star’ with 'sophisticated idols' traceable to his achievements!

No wonder when someone ministered to a white man some time ago and asked if he wants to allow Jesus come reside in his heart, his response was 'CAN HE PAY THE BILLS'. Would you get that response from even a Muslim in Nigeria? I love all tribes, tongues, kindred and nations but pray they wake up from their slumber!

The corruption (that works by lust) that is troubling developed nations in a monumental proportion is more than we can find in underdeveloped or developing nations like Nigeria. Haven’t you noticed the increase in perversion/depraved minds in some developed countries all in the name of being more civilized? Many have become ‘weak nations’ though glorying outwardly like the Laodicea Church, they keep saying ‘I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, but they know not that they are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked'! They need strength that can only be administered by the True Church which would ultimately rise out of the likes of Nigeria! Rev. 3:17

On the other hand, the corruption that is ravaging Nigeria is being insincerely confronted with weak earthly laws (from the judicial/corruption agencies) whose intelligence remains inferior to the Laws of Sin and Death. Their wisdom is from beneath, remains devilish and can’t really get the job done!

Satan can clearly see the potential of Son’s that would cut short his reign arising out of the likes of Nigeria. There is a critical mass of Saints (Sons) whom the Lord called ‘His Brethren’ that must attain a Kingly and Priestly stature in their Souls to judge the illegality of the reign of the Prince of the Power of The Air. 

Satan knows that there is something mysterious about Nigeria and he fears the declaration of another chapter of ‘had I known, I wouldn’t have troubled the soul of this nation’ 
(1 Cor. 2:8). God be praised, because out of these ‘buffeting’ shall the wheat be separated from the chaff and vessels (saviors) would arise that would carry an anointing that has hardly visited the earth, one that would break the chains and curtain of darkness that have kept this nation imprisoned. 

Satan knows that There Is A Power In The Gospel that is superior to Nuclear Power, so he has fought the church to a place where they have built a tabernacle around the glories of the acts of God's Hand. He dreads ‘BELIEVERS’ journeying out of The Milk arena (NEEDS) to partake of the Meat/Strong Meat where ‘KNOWLEDGE/KNOWERS’ who would ultimately be able to operate the Power Hidden in The Gospel, for then would a mightier deliverance than was seen in days of Moses/Daniel/Peter break forth and influence other nations. (Rom. 1:16/2 Cor 6:7/Dan. 11:32/1 Tim. 2:4/Heb. 5:14)

Nigeria hardly has anything to Glory in but we would soon see why we should extensively Glory in God and not in ‘Goods’ as has been the state of some nations whose souls are primarily known for producing goods. Something GOOD would ultimately come out of this 'Nazareth' of ours! 
Once God's plan to raise Sons can be discerned in Nigeria, Satan and his cohorts would suffer colossal losses beyond what we saw through the early church and we would see a glory superior to that which was once seen on the streets of Jerusalem in the book of Acts! Nations of the earth (including United Nations) would hear of a wisdom they cant resist or gainsay, one that would not only solve elusive earthly problems of nations but also give direction for nations to rediscover their identity in God, so they would send their emissaries to inquire from them in fulfilment of Isaiah's prophesies.

Satan knows the Lord would raise an army unto himself, he knows that they are not in palaces, yet he can’t locate the caves and dens where they are being kept by the Lord. He knows such Sons have the potential of aligning and running with the prophesies of prophets like Ezekiel and Isaiah’s about his fall. He dreads those who would not just ‘Talk The Walk’ but ‘Walk The Walk’ and commit God to avenge the disobedience over Nigeria like He did against Sodom when Father Abraham’s walk assumed a qualitative dimension, when his obedience was complete. He is fighting with all his might because our true deliverance would be the source of salvation to these developed nations.

- Does God want to humble nations of the earth through a mysterious plan to showcase His Power through a nation like Nigeria like he tried in vain with Israel?
- Is there something about the ‘foolishness of God’ that is about to confound all that Satan represents through Nigeria? (1 Cor. 1:25)
- Does Nigerian’s desire to rise up economically and technologically come with a motive of competing or being like other heathen nations? Are we jealous enough to desire the light of the Gospel shine through us and empower us to minister life unto the degradation of other these nations? Should we continue savoring the carnal glories of these nations?

Satan is managing the ignorance and darkness of nations with a ‘high wisdom’ that the church (you and I) must grow above. The least of his wiles and weapons are spiritual (though perverted), so it would takes weapons that are not carnal to contend with such. How I wish most of the intellectually appealing ideas/weapons could get the job done. (Eze. 28:12/Eph. 6:11/2 Cor. 2:11/2 Cor. 10:4)

Nigeria is purely a unique nation and a company of Kings and Priests would ultimately arise from here unto The Lord and this is Satan's headache!

I perceive that the Lord’s counsel to developed nations is "Restore The Ancient Landmark Which Thy Fathers Set and Return to Your first Love, if you ever had one"! Job. 24:2/Prov. 22:28

My earnest prayer to discouraged Nigerians is that God would help you see what He is seeing in His Eternal Plan so you would rejoice, though you seem forsaken and 'barren' but with Great Mercies shall the Lord gather you and your Children would be more than the children of the married wife and the wisdom of His Face shall be your inheritance! (Isa. 54:1-8)


Tayo Fasan

Sent: Thu, October 14, 2010 5:18:25 PM

Subject: Re: What will our expectations produce?

Let me throw another pebble in the pond!

I'm currently doing a study (personal) on the relationship between the wealth of nations and adherence to the Christian faith.
I'm currently puzzled as to why an atheist country like China is powering through to becoming the next world super power.
I'm puzzled as to Japan was until recently the 2nd largest economy in the world and no its not a Christian country
I'm puzzled as to why secular(read unbelieving) Europe is arguably the richest continent on earth.
I'm puzzled as to why South Africa with it's legacy of apartheid is the largest economy in Africa.
I'm puzzled as to why seemingly religious nations like Nigeria is behind in many developmental indices.

Will Nigeria's problems be solved by positive confession and prayers alone. I believe not.
More questions racing through my mind....
Is China's technological advancement a product of Biblical prayers and positive confession? Hmmmmm
Is the rise of the asian tigers traceable to Christianity? Hmmmmm
Is the tendency to live much longer in Europe obtainable today because they are Bible believing Christians?

While the prayer sessions are going on for Nigeria we've got to start asking questions of leadership in Nigeria. This i believe is what Charles Sogbesan satire is all about. An avenue to ventilate one's frustration with the leadership in Nigeria.

While the Save Nigeria Group ventilates its frustration via marching in our streets and demonstrating, others like Simon Kolawole do this by writing weekly in the newspapers, Gbenga Aruleba does his via his Focus on Nigeria show(not sure if he's still the presenter), Chinua Achebe does his by rejecting a national honour from a corrupt elite that is part of the problem etc

Our collective 'God dey' mentality in Nigeria i believe is part of our problem. It's turned us all into a 'siddon look' people.
God will not come down and change Nigeria. We have a believe that our faith in God alone will equate into prosperity. See where our faith without works has landed us!
We must be willing to do what the prosperous nations of the earth did. And no China, Japan, India and the emerging economies of today have not earned that title by prayers and fasting! If these non-christian nations can power into economic advancement by WORKS alone, imagine what adding WORKS to our FAITH will do. I believe it will produce an unimaginably rich country. But alas our FAITH remains without commensurate WORKS. That's why its dead!!!!

My research continues!

Your brother still,


Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Authoring of an Unfinished Faith! - Part 14

Dearly Beloved,

There is a company of saints arising from the earth who would be answers to heaven’s ‘prayers’ for Sons to arise upon the earth. Heb. 2:10/12:7/1 Jn. 3:1/2 Pet. 1:17

They are a company of ‘Dual Dwellers’ who live, move, have their being in Him and seek to make Manifest The Savor of The Knowledge of Christ in the days of their flesh. Acts 17:28/2 Cor. 2:14

They live in a wicked and adulterous generation but Seek An Enduring ‘City’ With Foundations Whose Builder and Maker Is God Matt. 12:39/Heb. 11:10

They live amongst the saved and unsaved but graciously Love To Love Them Unconditionally by Dying Daily to the anthem of “Me, Myself & I”. Rom. 5:6/Lk. 6:23-24/Jn. 12:25/1 Cor. 15:50/Gal. 6:8

They desire to be captives/bond servants of the Lord who would Walk From Faith To Faith and Fellowship With The Totality of Eternity In Time. Eph. 3:1/Col. 1:7/4:12/Rom. 1:17

They die daily to the anxieties around the ‘Timing of Biological Clocks’ and are New Testament kind of the faithful servants whom Solomon confirmed are refreshments to the soul of their master. Prov. 20:6/25:13

They savor not and love not the Carnal Life unto the death of every such Soulish Life whose source of inspiration is not Born From Above. Rom. 8:7/Rev. 12:11/1 Cor. 15:49/1 Jn. 3:8/Jn. 8:23

There is another company of Christians who haven’t understood why Paul desired that believers should only have Intimate Knowledge With The Lord and not With The World. 2 Cor. 11:2/1 Jn. 2:15

They are in dire need of preachers who have understood the Strong Meat of The Word and are selflessly partnering with the Lord to wean believers from the Milk of The Word. 2Pet. 3:15/Heb. 5:14/6:1

They must be told that they are pilgrims called to attain The Stature of The Fullness of Christ, The Glorified Soul State of the New Creation Man that can Reign With Christ. Eph. 4/13/2 Tim 2:12

They must be told that an unimaginable experience awaits complacent believers who’ll shamefully appear before the Lord after limiting Eternal Life from colonizing their Souls. 1 Jn. 2:18/Heb. 11:16

They must discern Earthly Races that subtly Fight The Faith Life Daily, that which wrote some fleshly chapters of Father Abraham/David’s life until they understood that The Secret of Dying To The World is by Dying To What They Secretly Love Above God, by Sacrificing every ‘Isaac’. Gen. 22:1-12

They must be reminded that The Wisdom of The Epistles is To Produce Overcomers, a critical mass of saints who would access the hidden wisdom that Satan was ignorant of before his fall and thereby experience the full redemption of man that can wear the name/nature of the Father after completing the course of the Faith of The Son which alone can administer the substances of The Divine Nature to The Soul. Rev. 12:11/14:1-3/1 Cor. 2:6-7/2 Tim. 4:7/2 Pet. 1:3-4/1 Jn. 3:2

They must be reminded that the Book of Revelations is not a book about the antichrist but an unveiling of the prophetic life in Jesus Christ which would Raise Sons that would confront that fallen Son called Satan!

They must be told that contrary to some doctrines today, The Goal of Believers is not to ‘Make Heaven’ but reach The End of Faith like the Apostles/few in every generation. 1 Pet. 1:9

They must be told that they can primarily live by Faith here on earth and would graduate with a Soul State likable to either Gold, Silver, Precious Stones, Wood, Hay or Hubble. With one either likeable to that of Steven, The Apostles or close to The Thief on the Cross! With a Soul State/Status that should be compliant to that of The World to Come where The Reign of Divine Life would be enthroned? Rev.3:18/1Cor.3:12-14/2Tim.2:20/Rom.5:17
