The church is in a crucial season in the calendar of
heaven, a season when heaven is courting the earth
in righteousness, and God is drawing nearer to man than ever before! The many
visitations of heaven are at a higher frequency, men are
beginning to hear timeless
and romance the priestly conversations of the world to come. The Father is harping the song of the new age and souls are vibrating to
that sweet music of eternal redemption which was purchased for man by the precious blood of the Lamb.
We are in the season of God’s Lamb, a season when He will adorn men with the illumination of the
future world, for the Lamb Himself is that illumination. By the
authorization of the Father, He is importing the glories of that future age
into the present by shining His knowledge into the hearts of desperate seekers
of the true light.
The Lord is grooming men who will receive
the light of that future city (Heb. 11:10/16 & 12:22), and interpret
it in this present
age through obedience. By their walk,
ancient paths will be re-opened; men who have hitherto been under the captivity
of dragonic seductions will be re-cultured after the civilization of the Lamb,
and the prince of the power of the air will be judged. The stars of heaven
shall also fall (Rev.
12:9) and the sun (present
light governing carnal men) shall become
darkened (Rev. 6:12). By their walk, the present
world order will be rolled away like a vesture (Heb.
1:12/1Pet. 3:10/Rev. 21:1) and the new order
shall be unveiled from f the belly of the Father
(Rev. 21:2-3/10).
In this season of
the Lamb, the mystery of iniquity will be further
demystified, and its laws rendered extinct. Lambs will fill the
earth, because the light of God will come upon His saints, His glory will arise
upon them, and His knowledge shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.
This is the lot of the elect, even those who have been ordained to show
forth the greatness of the greater one
which is the victory of a most excellent testament that overcomes the world.
To this end, there is a beckoning in the spirit. There is a call to come up to the heights and walk upon the high places of God. The voice of the Lamb which is like a great mighty trumpet is calling out to all loving enquirers saying, ‘COME UP HITHER, COME AND SEE, COME AND LET ME SHOW YOU THINGS TO COME.’
A feast has been
prepared upon the mountain of the Lord, a feast of fat things and of wine on the lees, for them whose heart beat at the
frequency of the new world order, whose feet are being trained to tread the
high places of Zion. These are they who shall feast on the scroll (Rev. 10:9) and
live out its testament like the early apostles and very few others have.
A company of men and
women are arising from the
earth, who will love not their life unto death, who shall follow the Lamb
whithersoever He goeth and who shall not be
defiled with women (Rev. 14:4).
Indeed it’s a glorious company and this invitation is open to all who are thirsty, whose hearts
are panting after the depths of God.
We enjoin you to pray, plan and prepare to stay
connected from 10th -12th of Dec. 2014 for this great event as we
respond to the great call of the Lord.
See for more details, and please note that live audio/video broadcast available on & from 9:30am-1:30pm & 7pm to
9:30pm daily.
For further details, pls call
Bless You!