Thursday, June 20, 2013


Caution: The following inspired analysis is religiously unfriendly.

Dearly Beloved,                                
I once learnt of the boast of a MTV Base producer, something that sounded like ‘we now control of the minds of teenagers’. I wasn’t surprised because the Holy Scriptures clearly describes the wisdom that descends not from above as being earthly, sensual, devilish (Jam. 3:15)

I am now particularly concerned with the way the enemy keeps using one thing (i.e. lust) in so many different ways to continually deplete life in men who are meant to ascend and sit on the throne of God in the days of their flesh (Rev. 12:5b-c)

Prophet Isaiah once had a vision in Isa. 14:12 that clearly captured the job description of the devil, i.e. the duty of making men weak. What Isaiah prophetically decoded later took the unveiling and receiving of the wisdom of Christ to later understand. Unfortunately, the beauty, brightness, intelligence and DNA of lust is still to be understood by the corporate church till date. (Eze. 28:17a-b/2Cor. 1:4)

Isa. 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, WHICH DIDST WEAKEN THE NATIONS (i.e. souls)

God knew the tendencies of fallen flesh. He knew that the carnal/soulish life would later became an abode for the enemy, though predestined by God to be his abode (2Tim. 3:16a/Gal. 4:1/1Jn. 4:2/Jn. 14:23). So when men like Nimrod arose, he knew that an alternative civilization to that of faith would permeate the earth.

Nimrod was one of the foremost architects of the world. He began the kingdom of Babylon, founded cities, became a distinguished hunter of souls, later succeeded in suffocating men from accessing the path of Faith by moving a generation of souls (a hunter indeed) from the sight of Ararat (where Noah’s ark rested and where men initially drew inspirations of God’s judgment) unto Shinar where he built kingdoms like Babel (Gen. 10:8-10).

We Later Saw Men Like The Prince Of Tyrus (Eze. 28:2-3), Whose Ambition And Boldness Could Only Be Likable To That Of The Unveiled Man Of Sin, Who Attained A Wisdom That Earned Him The Stature Of One Wiser Than Daniel. Such are the enemies of righteousness (Acts 10:13), terribly wise about the worldly system that has married the earth and made it a big lie! THE WORLD HAS A TERRIBLE WISDOM THAT MAKES ITS SUBJECT TO BELIEVE A BIG LIE, AND JEREMIAH 5:31 CONFIRMED THAT HIS PEOPLE (BELIEVERS) LOVE TO HAVE IT SO!

Such are the vessels of God’s wrath, well-schooled enough to groom children of disobedience (Eph. 2:2c) so they can explore the path that leads to second death, the death of the soul (Rev. 20:12-14).

It therefore takes the HIDDEN WISDOM OF GOD that was gracefully revealed through Jesus Christ to discern various WISDOM THAT IS ROOTED IN THE FALL OF ANGELS AND MAN i.e:

1.   THE WISDOM OF MEN (1Cor. 1:22/2:4-5) that Greeks of old and not a few intellectuals do seek, which is a subset of the wisdom of this world

2.   THE WISDOM OF THIS WORLD (1Cor. 2:6a) that is religiously or intellectually called vanity, which presently governs mystery Babylon (Rev. 17:5)

3.   THE WISDOM OF THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD (1Cor.2:6b/Rev.13:c-d) that is the highest of all such wisdom, whose WILES can only be  overcome by putting on the whole armor of God while journeying to the end of faith, the salvation/sealing of the soul (Eph.6:11/1Pet. 1:9)
The wisdom of this world which currently runs Babylon lacks the ability to willfully get men to fully obey Satan and to fully disobey or blaspheme against God (Rev. 13:4). So for the first time in Rev. 13:2, Satan would find the man of sin faithful enough to house his inverted stature of wisdom and he would download same to him, so that he can carry out the job of murdering the souls of men unto the uttermost. This is the exact opposite of how God poured out the entirety of his nature into Jesus, making him better than the heavens and separate from sinners.

Such is the height of wisdom that our arch enemy is yet to share with any of the fallen principalities and powers, which he would for the first time, give unto a man, the Man of Sin (Rev. 13:2) only after BABYLON HAS FALLEN SHORT OF HIS DESIRE TO USE IT TO CORRUPT MAN TO THE UTTERMOST

Jn. 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to STEAL, and to KILL and to DESTROY
a) the first two (stealing and killing of the life of the soul) are operations which Satan has carried out through Babylon, which is limited in capacity to access the midst of men’s soul i.e. the temple of the soul (Pls see Eze. 28:2/2Thes. 2:4C)
b) the third operation (i.e. destroying the soul) would lead its subjects to second death, the death of the soul, and that would be the job description of the man of sin who would hate God fully and raise men do likewise, leaving them eternally irredeemable (Rev. 16:9-11)
For now, the wisdom of this world (1Cor. 2:6b) is in operation and it carries the anointing to teach men, through other fallen men, to Walk In The Image Of ‘Great’ But Fallen Men whom Apostle James descried as The Flower Of The Field That Shall Pass Away (Jam. 1:10). The world therefore keeps churning out one pseudo-star to promote enmity with God (Rom. 8:7/Jam. 4:4) and to exalt ways that are anti that of the bright and morning star, Christ Jesus.

So the wisdom behind filthy projects like Big Brother Africa and not a few other reality shows are end-time recruitment baits that increase fellowship among unthankful, unholy pleasure seekers (2Tim. 3:1-4) and thereby limit many from seeking the divine life kept in Christ Jesus. Promoters of such worldly programs are simply faithful pongs in the hands of rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritually wicked beings, all supervised by the only fallen cherubic angel that wasn’t created to fall in the first place!

There has been an influx of darkness into Africa. By new birth, I am neither a Nigerian nor an African but a fellow citizen of the household of God and of the commonwealth of Israel in the Spirit (Eph. 2:19/12). Africans (by flesh) descended from the generation of the Cush who were men of natural strength, so God in His wisdom had to permit their becoming weak so as to preserve them for a higher purpose that nations that are strong in the flesh i.e. civilized descendants of Shem and Japheth can’t come into! Little wonder why the enemy is already fighting such higher purposes that has to do with AFRICA’S ALLOCATION IN THE GOSPEL OF THE SON OF GOD.

Truth, which is the standard of the world to come, would continue to be on a collision course with any affection, habit, reasoning and justification that falls short of the discernment of The Beginning That Was (i.e. Jn. 1:1) Before The Beginning Of Creation (Gen. 1:1)

God has made man upright, but man has gone in search of many inventions (Eccl. 7:29 ) and such inventions position men to fall short of the counsel of Heb. 10:29, so men continue to trample on great provisions of grace meant to reconcile them back to God.  

Eccl. 7:29 But I did find this: God created people to be virtuous, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path (NLT)

Lord, Have Mercy!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Introduction To The Gospel That Belongs To Christ - Part 5

Dearly Beloved,

There are POWERS FROM GOD and there is THE POWER OF GOD, but extremely few believers till date have understood this as the Lord desires and perhaps I am chief!

Powers FROM God have been employed over generations but we presently witness less of it today because God’s emphasis is now on the latter, i.e. the power OF God, which is hidden in the Gospel and packaged to enable the true church to corporately know and truly express him (Heb. 1:3).

-          It may interest you to know that what was employed in creating the heavens (i.e. God’s office) and earth (i.e. God’s footstool) was Powers from God, and even though it has been the goal of generations of believers, it is destined to pass away (Isa. 34:4; 66:2a/Heb.1:10-11/2Pet. 3:12) because it is was made by HIS HAND and not HIS FACE!

-          Powers from God has what healed the outward man (i.e. the body), and we saw this all through the Old Testament, while this still remains a CARNAL ASPECT OF MINISTRY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. Yes carnal, because such does not limit the reign of fallen spirits, neither can it address the sin and death problem of the soul nor cause it to become an abode for God.
   Powers from God has been manifested through divers gifts of the Spirit (1Cor. 12:4-9) from the Old Testament era (except the gift of tongues and interpretation) till date, but it would take the Power of God to download into our souls, the gift of the world to come which is eternal life (Rom. 6:23)
-          Powers from God can produce purposeful material prosperity, raise the dead (though such would always die again), feed multitudes in the wilderness and it has been primarily operated by angels (as custodians of the present creation) and secondarily man, BUT:


Rom. 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation (i.e. to save) to every one that believeth
(i.e. it is a divine/eternal and glorious power that saves those that have started Believing in the Lord but need to end up Knowing The Lord)

2.    Adam was called to seek the Power OF God and not even powers FROM God which subsequent generations partook of. He was called to seek the Power of God packaged in the tree of Life. The New Testament church is likewise called to seek the power of God in the tree of life called Christ
3.    Man would not need power FROM God in the world to come because what would be in full operation then would be THE POWER OF GOD. POWERS FROM GOD WOULD EXPIRE WITH THIS PRESENT CREATION!

The manifestations of powers from God is therefore only an interim provision of his hands, available since the Old Testament era, operated primarily by angels and secondarily by man and can only carnally advertise the actual power of God! Powers from God is therefore not the thrust of the actual gospel of God or Christ. THE GOSPEL OF GOD IS ETERNALLY SUPERIOR TO AND DIFFERENT FROM EVERY OTHER POWER FROM GOD

If the power of God acts upon the laptop I am using to detail this inspired thought, it would become indestructible by anything on earth or the present heavens. It would survive the fire that would dissolve the present heavens (2Pet. 3:7) and also make it to the world to come victoriously! Why? BECAUSE WHAT SOEVER IS BORN OF GOD OVERCOMES (IS SUPERIOR TO) THE WORLD – 1Jn. 5:4

1Jn. 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith {i.e. the faith revealed in the New Testament, which is the faith of the Son and of God’s elect (Tit. 1:1) is that which has been born of God and therefore superior to this world/Satan}

The power of God has acted upon and birthed my human spirit into the divine nature at new birth and made it immune to death. If the ongoing exposure to the power of God via the revelations of the gospel can successfully act upon and birth my soul, then my soul can then come into fulfillment of Rev. 3:21, i.e. it would sit like my spirit is seated in Eph. 2:6.
If before the ministry of the last trump (1Cor. 15:52/1Thes. 4:16), the power of God can pierce my body as much as or beyond the degree to which it did to apostles like Paul, then it can have sin and death for breakfast and it would need no obituary and would summon the close of this age!

Such was the power that raised Jesus from the dead. Such is the power meant to gradually introduce resurrection power to our soul (i.e. raise our souls and make it compatible with the throne = Phil. 3:10-11/21). Such is what the Gospel of Christ has primarily come to offer man (Eph. 1:3/Heb. 6:4-5), not what we have seen as the essence of faith i.e. deliverance, prosperity, healing, new birth, baptisms (Heb. 6:1-2) e.t.c

Of both creations (i.e. man and angels), angels are greater in the present old creation which must expire via the receiving of NEW THINGS, BETTER THINGS, THINGS TO COME, THINGS OF THE NEW WORLD/CREATION (Jn. 16:13/Heb. 9:11/Rev 21:5b). But because of ‘unlimited’ access to the POWERS FROM GOD, Angels are the owners of this present passing creation who operated the old covenant. But glory be unto God who through THE POWER OF GOD has called Man to mysteriously own and operate The New Testament, The World To Come!

Though the obituary of most men bear the headline ‘Call To Glory’, God is not actually expecting any believer in heaven, who has not been born again-again (i.e. 1Pet. 1:23- the birth of the soul = Jn. 3:5) by the power OF God. He wants us to Finish Our Course (2Tim. 4:7) before we get to heaven. Believers or ministers who show up there contrary to this expectation and hasn’t overcome the sin program would hear ‘Depart from me, oh ye that work iniquity’. Our sin problem can only be addressed by The Power of God which has been kept in the Gospel (Rom. 1:16), and the key to this is fetching spiritual eyes through the epistles so we can ultimately understand the parables of Jesus. Selah!

Due to the shallowness of our hearts, we have only embraced the former (powers FROM God) but have closed our hearts to the latter (the Power OF God). Moses wasn’t satisfied with the former (like not a few ministers are today) and desired the latter, which couldn’t be given to him due to the testament he belonged to (Heb. 11:39-40). Bless You!