Dearly Beloved,
There is a prevailing subtle gospel around that has a deficiency of The Breath/Inspiration of God! (2 Tim. 3:16/Jn. 20:2/2 Pet. 1:21/Gal. 1:12)
That Gospel is a 21st century type of what Paul called 'Another Gospel', which is received from men who have no INTIMATE rapport with The Lord and therefore carries a different spirit that unknowingly stifles The Building Process of The Faith Life. (Gal. 1:6/2 Cor. 11:4/Lk. 13:27/Eph. 2:20-22)
That Gospel gained popularity when some modern age ministers celebrated The Letter but despised The Spirit and Life of God’s Word, contrary to what was seen through the life and ministry of great servants of God like late Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, who through the ‘Word of Faith Movement’, faithfully dispensed The Sincere Milk of The Word to The Body of Christ. The place of the Leading of The Spirit and The Priestly Life of Waiting where believers are meant to Possess Their Souls became loathsome, giving birth to wild fruits which could be termed ‘The Leaven of the Pentecostal Movement’ where emphasizes is placed on Prosperity without a Timeless Purpose and Without Process! (2 Cor. 3:6/1 Pet. 2:2/Lk. 21:19/Lk. 12:15/Matt. 7:15/16:6)
That Gospel is always quick to make reference to men with Corruptible Riches, men who trust in what Apostle Paul called Uncertain Riches, men without a clue to what Christ called True Riches, who in the words of James ‘are like the flower of the field, which passes away’ i.e. people who wax old like The World does, whose glory would expire when time looses value and The Eternal Count of Righteous Substances Meant To Be Inherited By The Soul during our earthly sojourn would reveal/determine who they really are. (Lk. 16:11/1 Tim. 6:17/Lk. 16:15/James 1:10/Heb. 1:10-11)
That Gospel has desecrated pulpits and worn out spiritual sanity from pews through Religiously Intellectual Oratory With Rhythms that only polish the natural mind and further shut men to the blessed realm/inheritance called The Mind of Christ. That Gospel fans out of proportion, the hope of profiting in this world which has already been guaranteed by godliness and also despises the Wisdom of The Cross that reveals why and how Christ laid down his life and finally emptied it on the Cross in Obeying The Father To The Uttermost! (1 Cor. 2:16/Phil. 2:5/1 Tim. 4:8/Phi. 2:8/Jn. 15:10)
That Gospel is quick to define Blessings by the Status/material arrangement that surrounds a man forgetting that Joseph was called A Prosperous Man while in the house of Portiphar as a servant with no tangible possession but God’s Presence! (Gen. 39:2)
That Gospel crept into the Church of Christ and has been welcomed by undiscerning believers who have developed end-time itching ears because of their inability to endure Sound Doctrines. In their lust for knowledge, Paul confirmed how some would heap ‘motivational’ teachers to themselves, not discerning that what the soul lost from Gen. 3:7 when it partook of The World’s Wisdom to Gen. 6:3 when it became flesh/carnal was the Knowledge of God and not Knowledge of Things, thereby substituting the right division of The Word of Truth/fresh ministrations from the throne of Grace with Cold Snacks. (2 Tim. 4:3-4/Rom. 11:33/2 Tim. 2:15)
That Gospel can’t discern why the Lord Jesus distanced himself from This Present Ageing World by calling Satan The Prince of This World (Godless System) who came and couldn’t find the promise/trinity of the World, comprising of the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life which was never used by Christ from Bethlehem to Golgotha! That Gospel fails to tell blood washed saints that they can only wrestle out the residue of these corruptible promises by The Incorruptible Seed which has been wisely packaged by the Lord through His Apostles to enable us Overcome The World/Become Born Again in our Souls. (Jn. 14:30/1 Pet. 1:23)
That Gospel was founded on The Wisdom of Men traceable to a philosophical wisdom that was once highly sought by the Greeks at the expense of seeking The Wisdom of Christ, little wonder why Apostle Paul preached with an attitude of trembling and fear not by The Power Of Persuasive Oratory which is highly needed by debaters but not by ministers of The True Gospel of Christ. In the words of Paul, The worlds wisdom has been brought to nought (rendered useless) before God who rather uses weak/foolish things to confound things which are mighty that no flesh (carnal life) would glory in His Presence! (1 Cor. 2:3-5/Phil. 2:12/1 Cor. 1:20-22/1:26-28)
That Gospel celebrates the brain waves of “Go and Do Something Like Others Have With Results To Show For It” above the commandment of the Lord to “Come and Learn of Me for I am Meek and Lowly so you can be Lead By The Spirit and later Sent as guileless as doves and as Sheep in the midst of wolves. (Matt. 10:16)
That Gospel seeks to fulfill an unredeemed dream in men of Making A Name For Themselves and building things described by Moses as ‘A City’, an existence that won’t need the sustenance of The Faith Life, the same perverted motive that informed the building of the Tower of Babel, the same Human Wisdom/Strength employed by Nimrod in hunting/enticing souls out of the sight of Ararat where men earlier drew inspirations/convictions of God from Noah’s resting ark! Nimrod pioneered that Man-Centered/Self-Seeking Gospel that tells people about WHO THEY COULD BE BY THEMSELVES at the expense of WHO GOD HAS CALLED THEM TO BE SOLELY BY HIS GRACE i.e. The Arm of Flesh Vs. The Arm of The Lord. (Gen. 11:4/10:8-10/1 Cor. 15:10/2 Chro. 32:8/Isa. 53:1/Ps. 124:8)
That Gospel promotes a kind of light/intelligence in men which Christ called darkness. It flatters and pressurizes men to ‘leave their names behind’, forgetting that God was the one who made Father Abraham’s Name Great only after He changed his nature as he died to Self! That gospel has been pioneered by men who cannot see why Christ did not immortalize the name of the woman with an alabaster box of precious oil but He rather immortalized her memorable act. They can’t see the fact that God was responsible for engraving the names of the 12 Apostles of the Lamb on the walls of the Holy Jerusalem City in the New Heaven/New Earth after their uncelebrated lives on earth! (Matt. 6:23/Gen. 12:2/17:5 /Rev. 21:14)
That gospel is deaf to the declaration that A Name above all earthly and heavenly names has been given to Christ and by pressing into Christ’s unseen riches/Our Spiritual Blessings, we can partake/inherit the dividend/operations of that Blessed Name! (Eph. 1:3/Phil. 2:9/Heb. 1:4/Heb. 2:12)
There is A God Breathed Glorious Gospel of Christ that has somehow been scarce… (2 Tim. 3:16/ 2 Cor. 4:4)
… Watch out for Part B (Part 20) of this inspired piece which should be sent out any moment from tomorrow.
Bless You!
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