Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Would God Rest? - Part 5

Beloved of God,

I recall once sharing with a community of saints and saying “Man wants to REST in an earth that has been colonized by a worldly system which was designed not to entertain God's rest. - God wants to REST in those who would live according to a different spiritual economy which the heavens want to introduce/import to the earth and thereby colonize it. God has not found rest (as it was of old), so man also hasn’t also found rest. Isa. 66:1-3

It further amazes me to realize that the imprint of THE WORLD upon the SOULS OF MEN, which surfaces in all aspect of our daily conversations, from print to digital media and from tangible to intangible interactions,  would either have to be purged while HERE ON EARTH or IN THE WORLD TO COME and not primarily when we get to the PRESENT HEAVEN as assumed by many.  

Many have erroneously branded man’s exit from the earth as A Call To Glory while biblically speaking, GLORY ONLY AWAITS THOSE WHO HAVE ACQUIRED OR INHERITED A GLORIOUS NATURE WHILE ON EARTH BY PROMPT OBEDIENCE TO THE VOICE OF THE SON/THE LEADING OF THE SPIRIT! Making it to heaven is not in anyway synonymous attaining rest. In fact the contrary is the case! ANY BELIEVER IN HEAVEN WHO HADN’T UNDERSTOOD AND SUBMITTED TO THE DEMANDS OF THE PROMISE OF REST, HASN’T RESTED. Believers are therefore at the mercy of understanding the book of Revelation chapters 2, 3, 21 & 22, lest they arrive heaven (which would soon be folded like vesture) with a soul state not too different from that of the thief on the cross, i.e. without glory, Naked and Ashamed (Pls read 2Cor. 5:3/Rev. 3:17/Rev. 16:15 and Mk. 8:38/Rom. 5:5/Heb. 11:16).

Heb. 3:15 While it is said, To day IF ye will HEAR HIS VOICE, harden not your hearts…

Acts 22:14 And he said, The God of our fathers hath chosen thee (Paul), that thou shouldest Know His Will, and See That Just One, and shouldest Hear The Voice of his mouth.
(This should be the desire/prayer of every true disciple of Christ)

Heb. 4:1 Let us therefore fear, lest, A PROMISE being left us of ENTERING INTO HIS REST  (i.e. not just making it to heaven but rather inheriting the divine nature), any of you should seem to come short of it (i.e. like a whole generation did in the wilderness, save Caleb and Joshua, this is scary!)

Like Ester had to be prepared and Purified with oil of myrrh and sweet odours for twelve months before she could appear before King Ahasuerus, those who would Sit At His Right Hand/Rest would have been Purified by the sweet savor the KNOWLEDGE OF THE FAITH OF CHRIST (Est. 2:12/Jn. 17:17/2Cor. 2:14). Believers or even ministers who didn’t have such experience while on earth would have to wait to be exposed to the Ministry of His Face and be Healed By Feeding On The Tree of Life in the twelve calendar month of the world to come, an alternative we definitely don’t want to settle for! (Rev. 22:2-4)

The present church or average believer/minister is a seeker of THE WORKS OF HIS HANDS, which is God’s provision to enable us BELIEVE HIM, but because the JOB DESCRIPTION OF SONS is to bruise/deal with Satan (Rom. 16:20/Ps. 110:2), a totally different syllabus is required! Only the MINISTRY OF HIS FACE can get this job done and earn us a warm embrace from the Father and Son. This is where TRUE FELLOWSHIP (1Jn. 1:3) begins which would result in our  KNOWING HIM like the Apostles did and ultimately cause the Father to declare once again, these are my beloved sons in whom I AM WELL PLEASED! MAY WE NOT BE ONE OF THOSE WHO WOULD DENY THE FATHER OF THIS TESTIMONY, AMEN.

1Jn. 1:3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
(i.e. This is John The Divine’s definition of REST which takes place after  journeying from the souls state of Little Children -1Jn. 2:12- through that of Young Men -1Jn. 2:13- into the stature of Fatherhood -1Jn. 2:14-. THIS IS A DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE FROM WHAT WE CURRENTLY KNOW OR CALL ‘FELLOWSHIP’
Sheep constantly need fresh water/pasture and their best water source is early morning dew! They are defenseless, don't hear well or see well, easily stray and are therefore TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON THEIR SHEPHERD FOR EVERY NEED. Does This Describe Us? If not, We Are Simply Strangers To The Lamb’s Voice and are not yet in sync with heaven’s concept of rest.

Jn. 10:3 … and the Sheep Hear His Voice: and he calleth His Own Sheep By Name, and leadeth them out.
Bless You!

Tayo Fasan

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