(An Inspired Hint On The Ultimate Abode
Called The Father)
· The day a believer can envision the
truth embodied in Jn. 13:3, which distinctly confirms that THE END OF FAITH is to ARRIVE
IN THE FATHER, that is the day such has found great mercy in the sight of
the Lord!
Jn. 13:3 Jesus knowing that the Father had
given all things into his hands, and that HE
- Simply put, Jesus didn’t just return to heaven but rather walked in such a way that he would ARRIVE IN THE FATHER/SIT ON THE THRONE but the contrary is the case amongst believers today as Our Goal Is To At Least Make It To Heaven. JESUS WAS DECLARED AS ‘GOD’ BEFORE GLORIOUS ANGELS IN HEBREW 1:8 BECAUSE HE LOOKED JUST LIKE GOD! He had fulfilled what it meant to be called a SEED of Abraham (i.e. entering the faith program) and a SON of David (i.e. being covenanted with the throne)
- Believers who fail in giving the kind of approach the Lord gave to the issue of the throne, which is the issue of God’s rest, though they would make it heaven, but they would lack the Thronic Access/Fellowship to the father and Son described in 1Jn. 1:3.
- Like the Apostles, those who End In the Father, Reach The End of Faith and Finish their course are CELESTIALLY described in Rev. 21 and 22 as ‘THE PEOPLE OF GOD/SONS/FAITHFUL WITNESSES/THE HEAVENLY JERUSALEM/THE CITY/THE BRIDE/OVERCOMERS/HAVING THE GLORY OF GOD and THE LAMB. Saints who attain such golden soul-state would be under a totally different spiritual civilization from those who don’t. (Rev. 21:23)
- Those who don’t End in the Father, or Reach The End of Faith or Finish their course are TERRESTRIALLY described as ‘THEY SHALL BE HIS PEOPLE/THE NATIONS OF THEM THAT ARE SAVED WHO WOULD HAVE TO BE AIDED/WALK IN THE LIGHT OF THOSE WHO OVERCOME (Matt. 5:16/Rev. 21:23-24).
- Just in the same way men in this present creation are being enlightened by others who have gone far further in the Spirit, so also the company of Overcomers/The Bride whose souls would make up the Zion/New Jerusalem of the world to come would be responsible for illuminating/dispensation of God unto others in the new earth! Rev. 21:23-24
· THE HOLY SPIRIT has seven Thronic manifestations (Rev. 1:4/3:1/4:5/5:6 ) signified by the Menorah which was a seven branched lampstand signifying The Spirit of The Lord as its stem with six branches typifying The Spirits of Wisdom, Revelation, Counsel, Might, Knowledge and of The fear of The Lord which descended and rested on Jesus (Jn. 1:32) in fulfillment of Isaiah 11:2. The Primary Purpose Of These Manifestations Is To Prepare A Believer For The Throne, For Reigning With God Which Would Fully Be Expressed In The World To Come. Many legitimate/elementary biblical privileges have unfortunately blinded many believers and even ministers from this glorious pursuit and purpose.
· The
manifestation of a measure of the first pair Spirits introduces a believer to the first course of the knowledge of the SON, while other such
manifestations fortifies (Eph. 6:10) us in such divine knowledge. Late Rev. Kenneth Hagin described
this in a prophetic encounter as The
Second Initiation of The Spirit/The Renewing of The Mind, the first being
that of the New Birth. After years of ministerial bible believing/ministry
involvement, Rev. Hagin testified that his first entrance into the knowledge of
Christ came only after fervently praying Eph. 1:17-18 prayers for a period of six
month. He also confirmed that he continued to do so even when he was over 50
yrs in ministry!
Eph. 1:17-18 That the God of
our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge
Of Him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened
it takes the operations of the first pair Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to
unveil the Knowledge of Christ which in turn enlighten our hearts)
· After the Holy Spirit has prevailed in fortifying
us with an experiential knowledge of the son via other manifestations of the
Spirit earlier mentioned, an empowerment to qualitatively and quantitatively
lay down a worldly understood life comes. Jn. 12:24 can then be fulfilled and
Christ begins to find a conducive abode in us. The carnal/grassy life (Jam.
1:10) in man would then be gradually replaced by the enduring/righteous life in
God and the fulfillment of the mystery of Godliness would be in top gear..
Jn. 12:24 Verily, verily, I
say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it Abideth alone: but if it die, it
bringeth forth MUCH FRUIT
(i.e. Much
fruit is the singular fruit of Eternal Life which Jn. 17:3 defined as the Experiential KNOWLEDGE of The Father and The Son)
· As
we fulfill the Love Commandment of the Son to us, carnal laws that once dominated our souls would be replaced
with the Law of the Spirit of Life In Christ
Jesus (Rom. 8:2) which would then begin to beacon to the Father to come
indwell us. The Son As The Only Way To The Father would have
to mention our preparedness to the father and confirm it is truly safe for him
to come manifest himself.
· Then
would Isaiah 66:1-3 and Jn. 14:21 be fulfilled and such a saint would experimentally understand the mystery of the Trinity having received their manifestations.
Jn. 14:21 He that HATH my commandments, and KEEPETH them, he it is that LOVETH me: and he that loveth me shall
be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
(i.e. The first manifestation of the
personalities of the Godhead is that of The Holy Spirit earlier partially described.
Jn. 14:21 quoted above is a spiritual promise of the manifestation of the second person
of the godhead, i.e. The Word (1Jn 5:7) while the manifestation of The Father is meant to come
afterwards i.e. in Jn. 14:23)
Isa. 66:1-3 Thus saith the
LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the
house that ye build unto me? and Where
Is The Place Of My Rest (i.e. abode)?… But
To This Man Will I Look (i.e. seek to rest/abide), Even To Him That Is Poor (i.e. one whose sufficiency is now God -2Cor.
3:5) And Of A Contrite Spirit, And
Trembleth At My Word.
· Most
believers/minister Believe in Jesus but
don’t Know The Christ! Knowing the Son is
eternally different from knowing the charisma of the spirit or having the
privileges/blessings around the evangelical, charismatic, prosperity, healing
and word of faith movements, which has its glories that we rather settle for! At
most, these could only be likened to the ankle and knee level experiences of
the waters that issued out from under the threshold of the house in Ezekiel 47.
We direly need the LOINS and OVERFLOW
EXPERIENCES of the Waters of the Spirit to bring us into AN ABODE CALLED JESUS in preparation for the ULTIMATE ABODE CALLED THE FATHER, Glory!
Jn .14:2 In my Father’s house are many
mansions (realms/abiding places/spiritual inheritances): if it were not so
(i.e. if this wasn’t guaranteed by the New Testament), I would have told you. I
go to prepare a place (i.e. your part in the Holy City – Rev. 22:19) for you.
- Believers have experienced more of the first initiation of the Spirit and the charisma of the Spirit but have hardly tarried for the second initiation/manifestations of the Spirit of the Lord (Isa. 11:2) needed to prepare us for the receiving, manifestation and indwelling of the THE SON and ultimately THE FATHER
- The disciples once submitted to the first commandment in Jn. 24:49/Acts1:4 TO TARRY and that brought the Holy Spirit in line with the Lord’s prayers. We must now submit to the next commandment of Rom. 1:5/Rom. 16:25-26 TO OBEY AN ASPECT OF FAITH THAT IS MYSTERIOUS IN NATURE (1Tim. 3:9), ONE THAT WORKS BY LOVE (Gal. 5:6) and destined to bring THE SON and THE FATHER!
Jn 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him,
If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and WE (i.e. THE SON and FATHER) will
come unto him, and make OUR ABODE (Isa.
66:1-3 fulfilled) with him.
Bless You!
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