Friday, November 27, 2015


Dearly Beloved,

Our ability to figure out what next on most occasions has always been an exciting sensation, especially in men who’ll rather call the shots like Moses once did as a prince in Egypt. But when we know not what next in a given season of life; our feelings get invaded with a sense of frustration and imprisonment and the true temperature of our souls gets exposed! Rather than fall back on our cerebral strength - our carnal minds which remains at enmity with God (Rom. 8:7); we are at the mercy of acknowledging that God is up to something unplanned, which should lead to the renewal of our minds. (Rom. 12:2/Eph. 4:23)

Job. 23:9-10 On the left hand, where He doth work, but I cannot behold him: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him: But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

Isa. 13:12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.

During Moses first forty years wilderness-making experience where he served his father in-law, he hardly ever knew what next, but that was the secret of his ultimate greatness before God. While we have many alternatives to the faith revealed in Christ for the true church, Moses had none; so God could carefully culture him to bear his authority.

Old faithful like Father Abraham, Joseph and Elisha, all attained their strength of character through seasons when they had no clear interpretation of the end of their protracted custom-made trials! But unlike many today, they found grace to respond accurately. Among other virtues, they added patience to their faith and repossessed their souls (2Pet. 1:5-6/Jam. 1:3-4/Lk. 21:19). They all died to their reputation! But today, believers would rather HUSTLE like unbelievers do and justify their actions with the letters of the scriptures (2Cor. 3:6d/Jn. 6:63b), than LEARN OF THE WAYS OF GOD in such season. (Ps. 103:7/Isa. 55:8)

Our generation is inexcusable! Old faithful, without a complete “bible”, without an advocate like Jesus Christ, without the Holy Spirit resident on earth; kept faith with their future God! THEY SAW AND SUBMITTED TO THE DEALING THAT WOULD REDEEM THEIR SOULS FROM BEING EARTHLY MINDED (Job 19:25/Ruth 4/Eph. 1:14/1Cor. 1:13/Eph. 4:30/ Rev. 14:3e). Through their lives, we can clearly see that “one of the most potent seasons when faith actually flourishes is when we don’t know what next”.

Like the early apostles, we must be courageous and receptive to new opportunities coming our way. Prospects whereby heaven will hedge us in (Job 3:23/Lam. 3:7), and deal a good blow to our carnal minds, so we can truly gain righteousness while counting what the natural mind would call losses. (Phil. 3:7-8).

When we REACT to seasons of the unknown rather than RESPOND from within, we simply LOSE MEASUREMENTS OF GOD’S LIFE WE PREVIOUSLY GATHERED!

-          Such are the vital seasons where the enemy steals life from us (Jn. 10:10/1Pet. 5:8).
-          Such are the seasons when we ought to lose our ways and our thoughts (Isa. 55:7-8) that remain untouched by our new birth experience, by many bible studies and by many meetings of the Spirit (programmes/conventions).

This is how believing believers can appreciate in the true riches of righteousness and be made rich towards God. This is how we can have our have our minds stayed on God and begin to do things perhaps 80% differently! (Isa. 26:3)

Fresh streams of grace are kissing the earth like never before! The intensity of the preaching/unveiling of Christ by chosen vessels is heightening. Saints are being empowered to renounce the hidden things of dishonestly like self-confidence and the fear of tomorrow. We must not be left out.


Nothing that happens AROUND US should be compared with what should be happening WITHIN US!

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